Pre-School - EYFS 2023 - 2024

Miss Loren Rogers

Welcome to Pre-School; the home of the Pre-School Class! 

In EYFS, teacher led activities will be balanced with child initiated learning which will allow the staff to plan activities  around ideas such as animals, pirates, fairies, plants, superheroes, dinosaurs  and anything else that captures your child's imagination. The children access indoor and outdoor provision every day and can choose from a variety of  activities that best suit them or interest them the most. We operate as an EYFS unit which consists of both our Pre-School and Reception children working together. 

This half term we will be learning all about Summer and seasonal changes! We will be looking at different Summer themed books such as "The Extraordinary Gardener", "Sharing a shell" and "The Storm Whale" to help us further develop our understanding of what Summer means. 

Eaton PE Sessions

This year PE will be on a Wednesday and a Friday, please remember to wear your PE kit to school!

Eaton Outdoor learning Session

This year outdoor learning will be on a Tuesday. Please remember to bring your Forest School base layers to school and ensure you have wellies and waterproofs (labelled) in a bag.

Early Essence Link - Early Essence

Pre-School - EYFS: Events items