Grosvenor - Year 3/4 2023 - 2024

Miss Frances Eaton

Welcome to Grosvenor Class; the home of Year 3 and 4! 

During the Summer term, our topic will be 'Anglo-Saxons'. We are looking forward to investigating this period throughout our curriculum subjects this term.

As writers, we will be writing our own newspaper reports and getting creative with our own twisted narratives.

As mathematicians, we will be continuing our learning of measurement, with money, length and perimeter. We will also begin our learning of geometry, looking into the properties of shapes and angles.

As historians, we will be exploring Anglo-Saxon settlement in Britian and looking into the time of Edward the Confessor. We will also consider where this period of time sits on the timeline amongst our previous history learning.

As geographers, we will be continuing to use atlases and maps to help our understanding of where historical events took place.

As scientists, we will be making our own electrical circuits and investigating how they function to make a bulb light up. We will also be continuing our learning about living things, considering how we can classify animals in a variety of ways.

As theologians, we will be exploring various world faiths and considering why we have rules and if we all follow the same rules. We will also be exploring prayer and how this may look different amongst different world faiths.

As designers, we will be designing our own Anglo-Saxon belt purses that can keep our valuables safe using textiles and sewing.

As artists, we will be sculpting our own Anglo-Saxon brooch designs using clay.

As musicians, we have Music 4 Life joining us once again this term to teach the children how to play brass instruments. We will continue to look into pitch, dynamics and scales throughout our learning.

As linguists, in our French learning, we will be looking at days of the week, colours, numbers and developing our ability to ask and respond to questions.


Grosvenor PE Sessions

This year PE will be on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure your child is sent to school in their Saighton sports kit and trainers on these days. 

Swimming will commence in the Spring term and will take place on Monday mornings. Please send your children to school in their PE kit on this day.


Outdoor Learning

This year our Outdoor Learning session will be on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child arrives at school in their uniform with their forest waterproofs in a separate bag.


Home Learning

Each week there will be spellings to learn and daily reading. Spellings will be available from the week commencing 15.4.24 . We will have a spelling test and a 20 in 20 test each Friday.

Times tables and reading every night please, as a minimum.

Children should also complete a comprehension activity from their Reading Diary each week.

Reading diaries will be checked weekly.

Children will be able to change their books independently when required. 


Files to Download

Grosvenor - Year 3/4: Events items