Westminster - Year 1 2024 - 2025
Ms Sarah Pearson
Welcome to Westminster Class; the home of Year 1!
Our topic this term will be London’s Burning. We will be learning all about ‘The Great Fire of London’ and its effect on Britain and its population.
In science we will observe changes across the four seasons and link to learning relating to living things and their habitats, plants and animals, including humans. We will also explore and investigate uses of everyday materials.
In Religious Education this term we will be exploring the questions; “Why is the bible such a special book?” And “Do people of all world faiths have holy books?”
Ms Pearson will be teaching Year 1 Monday, Tuesday,Thursday and Friday and Mrs Birtwistle will be teaching Year 1 on Wednesdays.
Westminster Reading
Children's books will be changed on a Wednesday when they have finished reading thei current books. Each child can choose up to 4 books to take home at one time and they will be given a phonetically decodable book by their teacher. The decodeable book should be read multiple times to help develop fluency and expression. If, over the course of the week, your child reads all 5 books, their reading should be supplemented with books from home. For some children reading longer books, the expectation isn't to read all 5 books and should change just those which have been completed.
Reading Records will be monitored regularly and they remain a very good way to communicate messages from home.
Westminster PE Sessions
This term PE will be on a Monday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their Saighton P.E. kits on these days.
Outdoor learning
This term our outdoor learning session will be on a Thursday afternoon.
Please ensure children bring in appropriate clothing and footwear to change into for their session.
Home Learning
Each week we hope that the children are enjoying a variety of books and stories at home with their families.
In addition each Friday your child will come home with a simple spelling activity which will involve practising writing some 'harder to read and spell' words with your child. Please do assist them in this activity as it will support their progress in both reading and writing.
Also on a Friday, the sounds the children have been practising in phonics will be detailed in their reading journals. Please take time to look at these with your child.
Thank you all for your continued support.